“I know this game got valleys and peaks
Expectation for dips, for precipitation we stack chips, hardly
The youth I used to be, soon to see a mill’in
No more Big Willie, my game has grown
Prefer you call me William”
Just because team sports has been canceled/postponed indefinitely, doesn’t mean we have to give up the competitive spirit. This is a perfect opportunity to jump into the market if you’re not already. Crunch them numbers and stats on these stocks and put some money in your pocket.
For those not really comfortable with investing real cash in such a volatile market at such a volatile time, there are numerous stock portfolio simulators that let you get your feet wet in the market without all of the risk and you can see what you would’ve/could’ve made or lost had you actually put up the funds. The winner of the league can win a cash prize.
Team BlaqMarket on the way…
Check out these sites for more information about investing and the stock market.
If you really want to put your funds up and invest, you can buy stocks cheap and even commission-free using these easy investing apps:
Robinhood (Commission-free!)
Stockpile ($0.99 per trade/but you can buy fractional shares!)